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Attorney Dr. Matthias Rainer Lang

Sophienstr. 1

80333 Munich


Tel.: +49 (0)1573 022 999 0

Fax: +49 (0)89 999 508 13


VAT ID number: DE365373534


Responsible chamber/supervisory authority:
Admission as a lawyer is based on the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The professional title of lawyer was awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany. Dr. Matthias Lang is a member of the Munich Bar Association, a corporation under public law that is also a supervisory authority.


Bar Association for the Munich Higher Regional Court District
Valley 33
80331 Munich

Telephone: +49 89 532944-0
Fax: +49 89 532944-28


The following fee and professional regulations apply:

The Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO),
the professional code of lawyers (BORA)
the specialist lawyer regulations (FAO)
the Lawyers’ Remuneration Act (RVG),
the “Professional Rules of Lawyers in the European Community” (CCBE Code of Conduct).

The designated professional regulations can be found on the homepage of the BRAK.


Note on the EU Commission's online platform for out-of-court dispute resolution:

By REGULATION (EU) No. 524/2013 of May 21, 2013, the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and the EUROPEAN COUNCIL decided to create an internet platform that provides an independent, impartial, transparent, effective, fast and fair online out-of-court settlement of disputes between This is intended to enable consumers and entrepreneurs to enter into online sales contracts or online service contracts. Consumers receive via the URL further information and access to the platform.

We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution process. 


Professional liability insurance:

Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Gothaer Alle 1, 50969 Cologne. The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes legal advice in the member states of the European Union and meets at least the legal requirements according to Section 51 of the Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO).


Lawyers are prohibited from representing conflicting interests due to professional regulations (§ 43a paragraph 4 BRAO). Before accepting a mandate, we always check whether there is a conflict of interest.

In the event of disputes between lawyers and their clients, there is the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution at the regional bar association upon request.§ 73 Paragraph 2 No. 3 i.V.m. § 73 paragraph 5 BRAO or at the arbitration board of the legal profession (§§ 191f BRAO) can be found at the Federal Bar Association on the Internet under the homepage, email:


Responsible person in terms of press law:

Attorney Dr. Matthias Rainer Lang

Sophienstr. 1

80333 Munich


Despite all the care with which this website was created, it is possible that the content is no longer up to date. The content does not replace legal advice, but is intended solely for information purposes. We expressly distance ourselves from external content. The respective operators are solely responsible for this.


The photos of Attorney Dr. Lang were taken by:

Heidi photo

Fürstenriederstr. 63

80686 Munich


The copyright of the background image on the Economic Criminal Law page lies with:

Wix Ltd.

Nemal St. 40

6350671 Tel-Aviv






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